How Long Does Delta-9 Stay In Your System

Aug 31, 2022

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Delta-9 is one of the most recent hemp-derived cannabinoids, making headlines in the cannabis world. This is due to the various medical benefits of the product, including relaxation, increased appetite, and heightened imagination. It also contributes to enhanced sensory perception and releasing anxiety, among others.

The popularity of the delta-9 THC is comparable to delta-8 THC, which also delivers the same effects to users. However, delta 9 gummies are explicitly prohibited by the federal government in some states. This is true, especially when used at higher levels, unlike delta-8 THC, which is federally legal in most states.

But whether your state has legalized marijuana or not, most people worry about how long THC can stay in the system.

People who ask this particular question are cannabis enthusiasts involved in regular drug testing. For instance, the most common drug tests are saliva tests, blood testing, urine testing, and hair follicle test, among other drug tests.

Of course, you will want to know how long delta-9 THC stays in your system for several reasons. For instance, the knowledge lets you plan wisely when under medications, especially for chronic users.

Also, knowing how long delta-9 will take in your body keeps you on the safe side whenever expecting an upcoming drug test. Most drug tests are designed to detect THC metabolites in people working with machinery. This is to ensure that no THC trace amounts are found in their blood.

For instance, some drug tests carried out include hair tests, saliva tests, blood tests, and urine tests. A negative result shows that the person has not used any psychoactive substance.

On the other hand, the positive test result shows the presence of broad-spectrum CBD oil products in your body. This can be shown either from positive urine test results or positive results from either conducted hair testing, saliva test, or blood test.

Note that the drug test can detect THC consumed a few hours before the drug screening process.

Thus, it is hard for marijuana users to fail a drug test whatsoever. Therefore, you would want to know how long delta-9 stays in the system to avoid anything that can influence the results of your impending drug test.

So, how long will your system take before flushing out all elements of delta-9? We urge you to keep reading this guide to find out!

How Long Can Delta-9 Last in the Body System?

How long delta-9 will stay in your body depends on many factors. Notably, the cannabis sativa plant affects occasional users in different ways, including the duration an individual's body can withstand highness. This is because of the difference in body weight, age, metabolism, body fat, and tolerance levels.

Also, THC levels, type of weed, and experience with marijuana use manifest why people will get different effects from taking the best delta 9 gummies.

But, the way or form in which you take delta-9 is the main factor that affects how long the product will stay in the system. For instance, inhaling or smoking will cause the effects to last for almost three hours, but edible effects will last for around six hours or more.

Further, vaping full spectrum CBD products can cause highness for two hours, less than the eight hours of highness caused by tinctures. Also, dabbing delta-9 products can cause one to four hours of highness.

Thus, we can conclude that delta-9 edibles stay in the system for the longest time, while vaping the products gives the shortest highness duration.

How Long Does It Take for Delta-9 Effects to Kick In?

Unfortunately, this is one of the complicated questions to answer as delta-9 effects will vary from one individual to another. This is because of the difference in body tolerance level, weight, dosage, and metabolism, among other reasons.

Similarly, the type and the method of consuming delta-9 products affect how long it takes before experiencing its effects. But generally, delta-9 takes 2 minutes to three hours to kick in, depending on the mentioned factors.

For instance, when smoking, you can feel the effects after two minutes. It is quite faster than when taking delta-9 edibles, which usually takes 30 minutes to three hours before their effects kick in.

What Factors Affect How Long Delta-9 Lasts in the Body System?

As we have mentioned several times, the duration of delta-9 in the system depends on several factors. Some of those factors are as follows:

●    Body Weight

Remember, the intensity of marijuana-derived products depends on the THC concentrations in the product that goes in your body. Therefore, light bodies will tend to have higher THC concentrations, leading to a longer period of THC in the body.

In contrast, heavier body weight results in lower THC concentrations which translate to reduced duration of the delta-9 in the system.

However, sometimes your body weight doesn't matter. Some people are more sensitive to THC; hence they will have delta-9 stay longer in the system even when they have a large body mass.

●    THC Concentration and Dosage

THC concentrations and dosage are major factors to consider when determining how long THC will stay in your body. Note that dosage is not the size or amount of flower smoked or edible east end. Instead, these tests defined it as the amount of THC concentrations you consume.

So, the duration of hemp-derived cannabinoids in the system will be less when consuming a delta-9 edible with 30% concentrations compared to a flower with 1% THC. You can explore your options with Budpop as well if you’re looking to buy Delta-9 edibles.

So, the higher the THC concentrations, the more the duration.

●    Experience With Hemp-Derived Products

How experienced an individual is in using hemp products will affect the duration the effects will last in their system. If you're new to weed, your body tolerance is likely to be low; hence, your body may take a long time to flush out remaining THC metabolites.

The opposite is true for experienced cannabis users in that THC metabolites remain in their body system for a short time because they have developed a higher tolerance level.

In some cases, these people are lucky since drug tests can show a false positive result due to high body tolerance.

●    Body Metabolism

The liver helps in the body's metabolism, including metabolizing THC. So, the rate at which the body metabolizes various substances dictates how long delta-9 stays in the system.

If the body is slow to metabolize THC, the cannabis metabolites may take a long time before leaving the system. On the other hand, when there is a high metabolism rate, more THC metabolites are removed from the body, thus reducing the duration.

Also, taking delta-9 after eating food leads to a longer duration of the THC metabolite in the body. This is because metabolism takes place on the food before THC, which allows THC metabolites to stay in your system longer.

Can You Terminate Delta-9 Effects Early?

Several reasons may push to end delta-9 effects before experiencing full results. For example, when expecting thorough drug tests, such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, you must stay sober for up to three months before drug tests work. Also, you can end the effects in case of drug use complications, especially for a chronic user.

So, because of such reasons and many others, you can terminate delta-9 effects early. Taking some types of terpenes is one way you can end the effects.

Other ways that people swear by include eating lemon peels, inhaling caryophyllene or pinene, a black pepper, and using CBD to reverse the effects of THC. However, there is no full proof that these methods can make you sober completely. Read more about Delta-9 edibles on The Island Now.


Are you still wondering how long delta-9 stays in your system? Hopefully, by no means this article provides a precise answer.

However, just know everyone is different, and the duration can differ from one person to another depending on age, body weight, tolerance levels, and experience, among other factors.

Further, the method of consuming delta-9 as well as the type of the product will determine the duration your body will take to flush out the materials. But, generally, delta-9 is assumed to stay in your system between two to eight hours, depending on the mentioned factors.