Is Hiring a Marketing Agency the Right Move for Your Business?

Aug 18, 2022

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Almost all companies need marketing, but not all companies hire a marketing agency to help them handle those marketing responsibilities. Marketing agencies come with a host of benefits, but they also have some downsides, making the decision complex.

Is hiring a marketing agency the right move for your business? How can you tell for sure?

The Many Types of Marketing Agencies

First, you should understand that there are many types of marketing agencies out there. Some of them are going to be a better fit for you than others.

For example, a shopper marketing agency specializes in shopper marketing. If you're particularly interested in targeting a specific niche audience and making sure the right people discover your brand, a shopper marketing agency might benefit you more than a generic marketing agency.

The same is true of marketing agencies that specialize in different industries. If you're in the food and beverage industry, you'll want a marketing agency that has significant experience and knowledge related to food and beverage marketing.

You'll also need to consider the fact that different marketing agencies have different levels of competency and pricing. In a worst-case scenario, you could end up with a marketing agency with limited knowledge and resources, yet ridiculous prices. In a best-case scenario, you could find an extremely talented marketing agency with very reasonable prices.

Much depends on your ability to find the “best fit” marketing agency for your needs.

Core Advantages of a Marketing Agency

That said, there are some core advantages of working with a marketing agency:

  • Professional advice and direction. When you work with a marketing agency, you'll instantly get access to all the experts within that agency. These experienced, trained individuals will provide you with professional advice and direction. If you're not sure where to start with a marketing campaign, or if you don't have much training in this area, this is indispensable. You'll have a knowledgeable partner who can show you the ropes and help you plan your strategies at a high level.

  • Practically unlimited resources (and scalability). Scalability is another important consideration. Most marketing agencies will grant you access to practically unlimited resources. They have robust internal teams of experts who can all work on your campaigns, and if your needs exceed the marketing agency’s capacity, the agency can forge partnerships or make recommendations so that you can get the resources you need. Because of this, you can use the same agency throughout your business’s growth, no matter how big it becomes or how its needs change.

  • Cost efficiency. Some people believe marketing agencies are expensive, but if you compare the costs to the benefits, the exchange is favorable. This is especially true if you compare marketing agencies to other options like hiring freelancers or full-time team members. Overall, it's one of the most cost-efficient ways to practice marketing.

  • Accountability and (nearly) guaranteed results. Marketing agencies are incentivized to keep their clients for as long as possible. Accordingly, they're highly motivated to help you see results. Marketing results are rarely, if ever guaranteed, but if you're unsatisfied with the outcomes of your current campaign, most marketing agencies will be willing to go further and spend more effort to get you the results you want.

  • Long-term planning. While it's possible to work with a marketing agency on a short-term basis, it's more common and more beneficial to work with them over the long term. Over time, your organizations can grow together, exchanging better information and collaborating more effectively.

When Are Marketing Agencies a Bad Fit?

There are some downsides to working with a marketing agency, but they tend to be a bad fit only under certain circumstances.

  • Desire for control. Trusting a marketing agency requires some forfeiture of control. If you like to have full transparency and unmitigated control over all your marketing strategies, it may be better to handle things in house.

  • Severe budgetary limitations. Marketing agency costs vary wildly depending on where you are, what work you’re doing, and other variables, but you can generally count on spending at least a few thousand dollars per month. If you look at ROI, this is usually worth it, but if your business has severe budgetary limitations, you may not be able to afford the initial investment.

  • Future uncertainty. How is your business going to grow? How are your marketing needs going to change? If you're highly uncertain about the future, a long-term partnership with a marketing agency may not be the best fit. This is especially true if you’re concerned that your business may collapse in the near future.

So is a marketing agency the right fit for your business? That depends on your goals, objectives, and priorities. For most businesses, marketing agencies provide more benefits than drawbacks, but at the same time, this requires you to perform thorough research and find the best fit for your needs. For other businesses, marketing agencies are more hassle than they’re worth – and it’s better to handle your marketing needs in house.

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