5 Tips to Ace an Exam

Sep 01, 2022

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Perhaps the school year is ending, and exam season is on the horizon. The pressure to succeed can be suffocating, especially with college applications looming. Amid exams and standardized tests, where does one even begin their preparation? The final educational lap can be overwhelming for students, so we have curated a list of tips to help them get through this stressful phase. If you are a confused student or a worried parent in need of some guidance, then keep reading:

1.   Start Studying Early

Many students leave studying to the last minute and suffer due to poor time management. Trying to cram your entire syllabus a week before your exams will cost you in the end as it is irresponsible and risky. The smart way to study is to review material throughout the academic year by making comprehensive notes, understanding all the concepts, and revising regularly. This sets you up for success and ensures a less taxing exam season.

2.   Organize Your Workspace

Creating an organized workspace free from all distractions will take you a long way. The first step is to figure out what works best for you. Do you like to work in silence, or does background noise help? Do you prefer a desk, chair, couch, or even the floor? Are you more productive in a clean space, or does clutter make you feel more comfortable? Answering these questions will help you figure out precisely what you need to avail fruitful study sessions. A good tip is to keep your workspace separate from the space you use to relax and rest. A functional workspace is comfortable, well-lit, and has all your work material nearby.

3.   Use Visual Aids

With the help of charts and diagrams, you can categorize your notes in one place and develop visual associations with them. This will help you recall information better during an exam since a stream of bite-sized details is much easier to retain than entire chapters. The process of making these visual aids will reinforce the concepts and, further, add to your revision.

4.   Make a Schedule

Make a schedule for each day in which you dedicate a few hours just to studying. You will also need to divide your syllabus into parts and decide how many days you want to spend on a specific topic. This will help to simplify the otherwise seemingly exhaustive task of revision. Remember to give yourself regular breaks to rest, as it will increase your productivity. The Podomoro technique is an excellent general rule: for every 25 minutes, take a five-minute break. Try to find time to exercise and indulge in some self-care. Often, students go down the revision rabbit hole and neglect themselves in the process. Remember to get proper sleep, eat nutritious meals, work out and shower daily.

5.   Get Tutoring

Sometimes, self-studying is not enough, and we require additional help and guidance. Getting a tutor will help strengthen subject comprehension, build skills, and provide a one-on-one, individualized learning experience. Since the pandemic, online classes and tutoring services, such as kennytan.nyc, have become widely popular for tests like SAT and ACT prep.


The school year tends to seem like a spiral of never-ending tests. It's easy to forget that these are also some of the best years of our lives. With careful time management and good organizational skills, you can enjoy this time and still succeed in getting into your dream college and eventually secure a good job.

Tags: English